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Gastro Esophageal Cancer


What is the Gastro-Esophageal Cancer?

Esophageal cancers commonly arise from the inner lining of the esophagus, which is a muscular, hollow tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. Esophageal cancers can also affect the other layers of esophagus; however, it is more common in the inner lining.

Risk Factors

There isn’t enough information on what causes esophageal cancers. Nevertheless, researchers have discovered a number of risk factors that can lead to the development of esophageal cancer:

  • Low levels of zinc and selenium in the food may cause esophageal cancers
  • Those who’ve had a gastrectomy in the past have an increased risk of esophageal cancer.
  • High-risk Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is one of the risk factors for esophageal cancer.


There are various testing methods available for the detection and diagnosis of esophageal cancers:

a. Barium Swallow Test

b. Esophagoscopy (Endoscopy)

c. Imaging Tests

d. Biopsy


There are many treatment options available for esophageal cancers, irrespective of the stage. HCG has the best esophageal cancer specialists in Pakistan, who assess the patient information and devise treatment plans based on many crucial factors, such as the stage of the disease, exact location of the tumour, tumour grade, age of the patient, the overall condition of the patient and lastly, his/her preferences.

The main treatment options available for esophageal cancers include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, laser surgery and other GI procedures.


Esophageal cancer can be either operated via open surgeries or minimally-invasive surgeries. The surgical procedure will be chosen based on factors, such as the stage of the tumour, its location, age and overall condition of the patient. Surgery is the main line of treatment for esophageal cancers that have invaded the esophagus wall and are node-positive.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy may be recommended for a few esophageal tumours. Radiation therapy may be administered before or after the surgery and may be combined with chemotherapy in order to enhance the overall efficacy of the treatment. Today, there are multiple advanced radiation therapy techniques (3D-CRT, IMRT, IGRT) available for the efficient management of esophageal cancers. Radiation therapy may be administered for the following purposes:

  • To shrink the tumour
  • To reduce the risk of relapse after the treatment
  • To ease pain, swallowing difficulties and other discomforts in patients with advanced-stage esophageal cancers

Chemotherapy uses strong drugs to destroy cancer cells throughout the body. Just like radiation therapy, chemotherapy may be administered before or after the esophageal cancer surgery. Chemotherapy can be used to shrink the tumours before the surgery, destroy the residual cancer cells after the surgery and also alleviate pain in patients with advanced-stage disease.


Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy works by allowing the immune system to recognise and destroy cancer cells more effectively. Checkpoint inhibitors function by blocking certain protein receptors on the surface of cancer cells and/or immune cells and are commonly used in the treatment and management of esophageal cancers.

Targeted Therapy

Certain esophageal cancer patients may benefit from targeted therapy that targets specific proteins present on cancer cells and support their growth and multiplication. Targeted therapy may be recommended if surgery is not feasible or, in certain situations, to treat advanced esophageal malignancies that haven’t responded to other treatment modalities.

Endoscopic Laser Therapy

Endoscopic laser surgery can be utilised to treat more advanced cancers that are causing an esophageal obstruction. Lasers can be utilised as a part of palliative therapy to punch a hole in the blockage and ease the swallowing difficulties for patients.

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